Based on the online submissions, expert juries will deliberate and select Award of Excellence winners. All Award of Excellence winners then go forward to live presentation judging at the annual conference, for determination of the Overall Category winners in their respective category. For the Best Tall Building, Urban Habitat, and Repositioning categories, presentations must feature members of both the ownership and design team for consideration in the Overall Category award.

The criteria for each awards category and their respective submission requirements are detailed below. General requirements for all categories can be viewed by clicking on the button to the right.


These awards recognize holistic projects and designs that make extraordinary contributions to the advancement of the Tall+Urban environment.

The Best Tall Building Award recognizes projects that have made extraordinary contributions to the advancement of tall buildings and the urban environment, and that achieve sustainability and human well-being at the highest and broadest level. The winning projects must also exhibit processes and/or innovations that have added to the profession of design and enhance the cities and the lives of their inhabitants. Best Tall Building Awards are also recognized in two sub-categories: Best Tall Building by Height and Best Tall Building by Region. Projects will automatically be considered for Height and Region awards, based on the common submission form.


  • For the 2025 Awards Program, the project must be completed, according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria, between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024 (36-month eligibility window). In cases where ongoing works prevent final photography and thus submission to the current year’s awards, a one-year grace period may be granted. For projects that have not started construction yet, please submit for the Future Project Award.
  • The project must qualify as a building according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria. If your project is a telecommunications/observation tower, please consider submitting for the Best Tall Non-Building Award.

Click here to see prior winners.

The Best Tall Non-Building Award recognizes projects that have made extraordinary contributions to the advancement of tall structures as distinctive landmarks with a significant impact on the surrounding context, yet do not satisfy the formal CTBUH definition of a “building.” Projects should exhibit environmental, social, and economic sustainability and/or should highlight remarkable technical skills and innovations in design, engineering, construction, etc.


  • For the 2025 Awards Program, the project must be completed, according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria, between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2024 (60-month eligibility window). In cases where ongoing works prevent final photography and thus submission to the current year’s awards, a one-year grace period may be granted.
  • The project must not qualify as a building according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria. If more that 50-percent of the project’s height is occupiable, please consider submitting for the Best Tall Building Award.

Click here to see prior winners.

The Urban Habitat Award recognizes projects that have made extraordinary contributions to the surrounding environment, add to the social sustainability of both their immediate and wider settings, and represent design influenced by context, both environmentally and culturally. The winning projects must also exhibit processes and/or innovations that have added to the profession of urban design and enhance the cities and the lives of their inhabitants.


  • For the 2025 Awards Program, the “urban habitat” aspect of the project must have been completed and utilized between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2023 (36-month eligibility window). Please note that this completion window is set back one full year from building-related submissions to allow time for the urban habitat to have significantly established itself (e.g., landscaping, etc.).
  • The site or master plan must be fully realized at the time of submission; in the case of a master plan, a multi-phase plan that is only partially completed will be accepted, but must be far enough progressed that its urbanistic intent is evident. If the project is a proposal or vision, please consider submitting for the Future Project Award.

Click here to see prior winners.

The Future Project Award recognizes design proposals and visions that that will soon shape our cities, skylines, and push existing technical and structural limits. Unlike other categories in the CTBUH Awards Program, the Future Project Award recognizes projects and breakthroughs that have not yet have been realized, but have been thoroughly documented and considered. In particular, the Future Project Award will focus on building designs that best advance sustainable vertical urbanism through innovation, efficiency, and potential influence on the industry.


  • For a design to be considered for the CTBUH Future Project Award, the building must not have significantly progressed construction, according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria, prior to December 31, 2024. For projects that have significantly progressed construction, please submit to the Construction, Structure, or Systems Award. For completed projects, please submit for Best Tall Building, Urban Habitat, or the Space Within Award.
  • This award is intended to recognize a holistic building design, including the intended function(s) and approximate expected height. If the submission is meant to recognize individual tall building innovations or elements, please submit to the Innovation Award.

Examples of Submissions for the Future Project Award:

  • A fully designed proposal expected to proceed into construction at some point in the future.
  • A competition entry which may or may not have been selected as the winner and has not yet advanced to a construction or schematic design phase.
  • A design exercise for new concept(s) and/or emerging technologies, represented through a full-building case study.
  • A concept design which has been well developed but does not have a specific project site location and/or timeline for implementation.

Click here to see prior winners.

The 10 Year Award recognizes proven value and performance of tall building projects over a period of time. This award gives an opportunity to reflect on tall buildings that have been completed and operational for a decade and acknowledge those projects that have performed successfully long after the ribbon-cutting ceremonies have passed. The building’s performance must be evident and should exhibit: contribution to urban realm, contribution to culture / iconography, social issues, internal environment / occupant satisfaction, technical / engineering performance (structural engineering, seismic, wind, etc.), environmental performance, fire & safety, and vertical transportation.


  • For a building to be considered for the CTBUH 10 Year Award, it must have been completed 10 years prior to the current award year. For the 2025 Awards Program, the project must have been completed, according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria, between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015 (12-month eligibility window).
  • A project does not have to have received a previous CTBUH Award in order to be eligible for the 10 Year Award.

Click here to see prior winners.


These awards recognize achievements in the methodologies and strategies employed to advance new and existing Tall+Urban projects.

The Construction Award recognizes projects that have made extraordinary contributions to the advancement of construction in tall buildings, and take the technical solutions and possibilities for tall building construction to the next level. The project must display a superior level of quality and technical complexity over that of its peers, with elements that are transferable to other projects and have the potential to influence construction practices and the future of tall buildings in a positive way.


  • For the 2025 Awards Program, a project is eligible for submission if:
    • The construction process has completed on-site installation and the building is still under construction (according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria)
    • OR

    • The project must have been completed, according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria, between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024 (36-month eligibility window).

Click here to see prior winners.

Formerly known as the Renovation Award, the Repositioning Award recognizes projects that have underwent significant post-occupancy upgrades that innovatively extend the life cycle of the building. This award gives an opportunity to highlight technical solutions that make extraordinary contributions to existing tall buildings through adaptive re-use, renovations, function changes, retrofits, recladdings, system upgrades, etc.


  • For the 2025 Awards Program, the project must have completed building upgrades between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024 (36-month eligibility window) for consideration of this award. In cases where ongoing works prevent final photography and thus submission to the current year’s awards, a one-year grace period may be granted.
  • The project that underwent upgrades must qualify as a building according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria. If the upgrades have not been applied to any buildings at this time, please consider submitting for the Innovation Award.

Click here to see prior winners.


These awards recognize individual innovations that advance the design and performance of Tall+Urban structures, systems, and spaces.

The Innovation Award recognizes recent innovations that have demonstrated — either through testing, research, or application — their suitability for tall building implementation. The areas of innovation can embrace any discipline, including but not limited to technical breakthroughs, construction methods, design approaches, urban planning, building systems, façades, and interior environment. The project must clearly demonstrate a specific area of innovation within the design and/or construction that is new and pushes the design of tall buildings to a higher level.


  • The area of innovation should demonstrate an element of adaptability that would allow it to influence future tall building design, construction or operation in a positive way.
  • The Innovation Award can include recognition of a breakthrough that may not yet have been implemented in a specific building, but has been thoroughly tested.
  • This award is intended to recognize a single element of innovation within a project. If a single project has multiple innovative elements, these must be submitted as separate nominations.

Click here to see prior winners.

The Structure Award recognizes specific structural assemblies that take the technical solutions and possibilities for tall buildings to the next level, perhaps in a configuration that has not been attempted, or achieved, before. This award gives an opportunity to highlight technical solutions that make extraordinary contributions to tall buildings through structural engineering, wind engineering, geotechnical engineering, etc.


  • For the 2025 Awards Program, a project is eligible for submission if:
    • The structural assembly has completed on-site installation and the building is still under construction (according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria)
    • OR

    • The project must have been completed, according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria, between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024 (36-month eligibility window). Note: For structures that have not been installed into a tall building project, please submit for the Innovation Award.
  • This award is intended to recognize a specific structural assembly within a project. If a single project has multiple innovative structures, these should be submitted as separate nominations.

Click here to see prior winners.

The Façade Award recognizes projects that have made extraordinary contributions to the advancement of façade and curtain wall systems in tall buildings, and that take the technical solutions and possibilities for tall buildings to the next level. This award highlights façade solutions and strategies that are efficient, cost-effective, and replicable to other projects, perhaps in a configuration that has not been attempted, or achieved, before. Façade submissions may include, but are not limited to, technical breakthroughs, construction methods, design approaches, and maintenance strategies.


  • For the 2025 Awards Program, a project is eligible for submission if:
    • The façade or curtain wall system has completed on-site installation and the building is still under construction (according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria)
    • OR

    • The project has been completed, according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria, between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024 (36-month eligibility window). Note: For façade or curtain wall systems that have not been installed into a tall building project, please submit for the Innovation Award.

Click here to see prior winners.

The Systems Award recognizes projects whose building systems, taken individually or collectively, contribute replicable, innovative methods to the tall building industry and enhance the livelihood of occupants. Systems may include, but are not limited to, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, vertical transportation, sustainability, energy generation, indoor air quality, and life safety. To be considered, the system must demonstrably advance innovations in systems engineering in an efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable fashion.


  • For the 2025 Awards Program, a project is eligible for submission if:
    • The system has completed on-site installation and the building is still under construction (according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria)
    • OR

    • The project must have been completed, according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria, between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024 (36-month eligibility window). Note: For systems that have not been installed into a tall building project, please submit for the Innovation Award.
  • This award is intended to recognize a specific system within a project. If a single project has multiple innovative systems, these should be submitted as separate nominations.

Click here to see prior winners.

Formerly known as the Interior Design Award, the Space Within Award recognizes tall building projects that have integrated extraordinary interior spaces within, which demonstrate exceptional functional success in terms of the user experience and take the solutions and possibilities for interior space design to the next level. In addition to evaluating the interior design of the space, the judging process will also consider: the design and integration of movement between spaces (vertically and horizontally), the performance of building systems, including but not limited to MEP, vertical transportation, “smart” technology, and so on, will also be evaluated.


  • For the 2025 Awards Programs, the space must be completed, according to CTBUH Tall Building Criteria, between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024 (36-month eligibility window). The interior space being submitted must be fully realized at the time of submission. For refurbishments and renovations of existing tall buildings, please submit to the Repositioning Award.
  • This award is intended to recognize specific spaces of prominence within tall building project. If a single building has multiple spaces of differing functions, these should be submitted as separate nominations.

Click here to see prior winners.


These awards recognize individuals that advance the Tall+Urban profession and policies focused on improving life for all citizens.

CTBUH recognizes that to advance vertical urbanism and improve urban environments, we must address what that means for all people – our members, our clients, and ultimately to the wider public. We as an industry must hold ourselves accountable to encourage environments that are safer, healthier, and more accessible for everyone. To do so, we must recognize and actively address any shortcomings in the areas of equity, diversity, and inclusion. This award recognizes the specific area of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in our industry, in both practice and policy, as well as in specific projects with achievements in the area of EDI.


  • Internal or project-team programs should clearly demonstrate the specific areas of EDI innovation objectives and its progress and outcomes over a period of time.
  • The innovation should demonstrate an element of adaptability that would allow it to continue to influence the industry in a positive way as the industry changes.
  • Projects and practices should demonstrate potential to impact/influence the industry. Provide cultural and environmental context as a backdrop against which the jury may consider the magnitude of the impact/influence.

Examples of Innovation in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion:

  • In Practice: training/leadership development or mentoring programs, company policies or actions, outreach activities, company leadership, project team organization strategies, etc.
  • In Projects: development strategies to increase equity, diversity, and inclusion in an urban environment; continued community engagement/cooperation beyond completion of the project.

Click here to see prior winners.

This award recognizes an individual who has made extraordinary contributions to the advancement of tall buildings and the urban environment during his or her professional career. These contributions and leadership are recognized by the professional community and have significant effects, which extend beyond the professional community, to enhance cities and the lives of their inhabitants. The individual’s contributions may be well known or little known by the public and may take any form, such as completed buildings, research, technology, methods, ideas, or industry leadership.

This award is bestowed by the CTBUH Board of Trustees and is not open for general submission.

Click here to see prior winners.

This award recognizes an individual for his or her demonstrated excellence in technical design and/or research that has made a significant contribution to a discipline(s) for the design of tall buildings and the built urban environment. The contribution may be demonstrated in the form of specific technical advances, innovations, design breakthroughs, building systems integration or innovative engineering systems that resulted in a practical design solution and completion of a project(s). The consideration may be based on a single project or creative achievement through multiple projects.

This award is bestowed by the CTBUH Board of Trustees and is not open for general submission.

Click here to see prior winners.

CTBUH Fellows are recognized for their contribution to the Council over an extended period of time, and in recognition of their work and the sharing of their knowledge in the design and construction of tall buildings and the urban habitat.

This award is bestowed by the CTBUH Board of Trustees and is not open for general submission.

Click here to see the CTBUH Fellows.